Sweet, Sour, and Perfectly Spicy Gluten-Free Asian Stir Fry Sauce

My dearest friend is a gluten-free gal. That means I was also a gluten-free gal during the week I was visiting her in Georgia. We cooked, shared recipes, drank margaritas, and laughed until my sides hurt. This crazy good stir fry sauce is one she makes rather frequently. The method is wicked easy.


6 tablespoons Bragg’s Amino Acids OR soy sauce OR tamari
6 tablespoons plain rice vinegar
3 tablespoons coconut oil
1 tablespoon sesame oil
2-3 tablespoons coconut sugar
6 minced garlic cloves
1 tablespoon fresh grated ginger
1-2 teaspoons Srirachi…I like it hot, so I add more.
2 teaspoons corn starch (for the slurry)
2 teaspoons water (for the slurry)

Put all of the ingredients below in a sauce pan except for the cornstarch/water slurry, and heat until boiling. While that’s coming to temperature, make the slurry. Combine the corn starch and water in a small bowl and whisk together with a cute little whisk or fork.

Gently whisk for about 30 seconds to a minute for it to thicken and look glossy gorgeous and turn off the heat.

Bam. Done. That’s it. Easy, right?

We served it with a veggie-heavy stir fry that was gluten-free and ridiculously good. I’ll post that recipe later. But for now, commence to drooling…

Happy Sunday, everyone!

7 thoughts on “Sweet, Sour, and Perfectly Spicy Gluten-Free Asian Stir Fry Sauce

  1. Pingback: Organic and Gluten-Free Chicken and Veggie Stir Fry with Rice Noodles | Delicious Daydreams

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