Oh. My. Goodness. It’s For Realsies.

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I bake and bake and bake.

My dream is coming true. It’s really happening. Happy-Go-Lucky Foods is a full-fledged business with steady-ish income, a website, local retailers, and a cult following. Seriously, someone inked themselves with the hot pink flamingo logo. I’m so tired of pinching myself and rubbing my eyes. This is real.


This is an ACTUAL tattoo of the Happy-Go-Lucky Foods’ logo.

The last 14 months have been wild. I’ve been excited, paranoid, giddy, exhausted, confused, and optimistic. Sometimes they all happen simultaneously. Happy-Go-Lucky Foods’ granola bars are at four locations in Volusia County: Downtown Farmers Market, Beeatroot Juice Bar in Downtown Deland, Yoga Circle and Dance in Holly Hill, and Daytona International Wellness Center in Daytona Beach.

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Our sign is out front at Beeatroot!

And, hopefully, a local grocery store will have our granola bars on the shelf within the month. But the best thing for me is when customers post about their recent shipment of goodies.

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This package made it all the way to Chicago!

Thank you all for following along with me on my journey. Blogging is an outlet that I’ll never take for granted, and you all have been so kind. I do hope to post more in the future, but there aren’t enough hours in the day for a full-time job in academia plus Happy-Go-Lucky Foods. One day, I’ll just get to be Happy-Go-Lucky all the time, but for now…

Back to work,


P.S. Please do check out my website at happygoluckyfoods.com. You can get the yummiest, gluten-free, vegan granola bars right to your door! If anything, I’d just be thrilled for some honest feedback. 🙂